Category: Self-Care

Sleep Hygiene

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Sleep Hygiene:


            When people hear the word hygiene, they think of areas such as showering or brushing your teeth. Most people do not think about sleep and often forget that sleep is a huge area of hygiene. Without enough sleep, sleep deprivation can set in and attack the body, both mentally and physically.

             Physically, sleep deprivation can throw off circadian rhythms, which result in deregulated sleep patterns, and deregulate metabolic, endocrine, and immune responses. It can also cause issues such as, but not limited to weight gain, insulin resistance, and hypertension.

            On a mental level, sleep deprivation can lead to behaviors that included increased drug and alcohol use, increases s ...

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Posted in:

  • Self-Care


  • Sleep
  • mindfullness
  • relaxation

Care for Thyself

image for blog entry

Self-care is a term that has hit the mainstream culture. Many of us have heard the term, but don’t know what it’s all about. It’s important to know what self-care is and what it’s not.


Self-Care is NOT being selfish. It’s taking care of your basic needs. In fact, we aren’t at our best to care for others when our needs aren’t being met. Think of pouring from an empty cup, there is nothing to be poured out. When we fill our cup, only then can we effectively care for others.


Self-Care is NOT a one-size fits all approach. One person may need to increase their personal hygiene as a way of caring. Another person may need to take a walk, meet a friend, pray or invest in better sleep.


Self-Care IS an intentional act or investment that meets a personal need.

Self-Care IS a customized way to recharge and refocus.

Self-Care IS habit-based. If your habits a ...

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Posted in:

  • Self-Care


  • breathing
  • mindfullness
  • reflection
  • relaxation




