Tag: friendships

The Power of Forgiveness in Relationships

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Forgiveness is a cornerstone of healthy relationships, yet it is often one of the hardest acts to perform. Understanding why forgiveness is challenging and recognizing its profound benefits can help individuals and couples navigate the complexities of their relationships with greater empathy and resilience.

Why Forgiveness is Hard

Forgiveness requires us to confront our pain and vulnerability. When someone we care about hurts us, it triggers a range of intense emotions—anger, betrayal, sadness—that can be difficult to process. Holding onto these feelings can create a sense of control or protection, making it feel safer than the perceived risk of getting hurt again. Additionally, societal messages often equate forgiveness with weakness or submission, further complicating our willingness to let go of resentment.

Forgiveness also involves a shift in perspective. It requires empathy and understanding towards ...

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  • Afterwardsness
  • Assertiveness
  • Comfort
  • Coping
  • Decisions
  • Emotions
  • Empathy
  • Family
  • Grief
  • Mindset
  • Positivity
  • Practice
  • Presence
  • Processing
  • Relationships
  • Struggle
  • Vulnerability


  • Emotions
  • Hopes
  • anxious
  • arguing
  • change
  • compassion
  • coping
  • emotional intelligence
  • faith
  • feelings
  • friendships
  • growth
  • intentional
  • relationships
  • self-care
  • self-compassion

What is Your Dream?

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Is there a circumstance that is keeping you stuck or is fear blocking your dream? You may be dreaming of a job change, an adventure, a goal or taking steps to make a relationship better. In 2022, I faced one of my fears. I have a fear of heights. So I committed to climbing the Manitou Incline in Colorado. The incline is 2,768 steps straight up the side of a mountain. The elevation at the top is over 8,500 feet. This undertaking is no small feat for someone with a fear of heights and not in the strongest physical shape. During this endeavor, I became aware of powerful truths about myself and how I am capable of much more than I give myself credit for. I bet you are too!

Here are some practical concepts I learned and might help you too. 

  1. Dare to dream! I had to allow myself to dream about climbing a mountain. Can you give yourself space to dream about what a change could look like? Note: th ...

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    Posted in:

    • Anxiety
    • Assertiveness
    • Change
    • Comfort
    • Decisions
    • Effort
    • Goals
    • Mindset
    • Practice


    • Confidence
    • Dreams
    • Hopes
    • Joy
    • anxiety
    • challenge
    • change
    • friendships
    • practice
    • reality
    • vulnerable
    • work

Everything's Fine...

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“It’s fine.”  “Everything is fine.”  “I’m fine.”  Have you ever strung together these three sentences and thought to yourself, “shoot, I think I might not be fine”. 

About a year ago I was in a car accident that resulted in emergency surgery, a stay in the trauma center at the hospital, and a long recovery (in addition to other challenges). It was the most challenging and scary time in my life. I didn’t think that I was going to make it, and yet I would find myself telling my loved ones who came to visit me, “It’s fine.”  “Everything is fine.”  “I’m fine.” 

Why is it so hard to admit that sometimes we are not fine? It has taken me a while to figure out why I was so desperately pushing myself to be fine. Though I wanted those words to be true, what I wanted more than anything was for my loved ones to think and feel that those words were true.

Whet ...

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Posted in:

  • Breathe
  • Comfort
  • Communication
  • Coping
  • Emotions
  • Exhaustion
  • False self
  • Grief
  • Pain
  • Presence
  • Processing
  • Relationships


  • Emotions
  • coping
  • emotons
  • feelings
  • friendships
  • grief
  • growth
  • intentional
  • relationships
  • trauma




