Tag: intention

Identifying Your Core Values

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What do you value? What is most important to you?

So often we can feel a dissonance within ourselves. We can struggle to identify what we want or need which can lead to difficulty making decisions.

By learning to answer the questions above, we can help connect our head and our heart. When we live life according to our values, or said another way, according to what is most important to us, we often become more confident and at ease about what we want and need which can make making decisions

So how can you figure out your values? Here’s a guide to help.

First, start by reading the list below. Highlight any words that stand out to you. You can also add a few of your own.

Core Values List

Compa ...

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Posted in:

  • Change
  • Comfort
  • Control
  • Coping
  • Effort
  • Goals
  • Mindfullness
  • Mindset
  • Positivity
  • Practice
  • Presence
  • Processing
  • Self-Care


  • Control
  • Dreams
  • Expectations
  • Hopes
  • attitude
  • balance
  • challenge
  • change
  • coping
  • courage
  • emotional intelligence
  • feelings
  • growth
  • independence
  • intention
  • intentional
  • mindfullness
  • reality
  • reflection
  • reframe
  • self-care
  • self-compassion
  • think

Adventures & Antidotes

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I have a nine year old son who loves to read. Before bed, we’ll often grab a classic tale to read together. As I’m writing this, we’re deep into Treasure Island, enjoying the harrowing tale of a young boy named Jim Hawkins who winds up aboard a ship of marauding pirates. Jim has to use his wits to outsmart the mutinous crew as he seeks to right wrongs and avoid certain death. 

My son and I find ourselves drawn to the underdog hero, cheering his valiant escapades. We’re left wondering whether we could muster the courage to outwit the unscrupulous Long John Silver, whether we would put ourselves at risk to aid dying friends, and if we would be willing to undertake an arduous journey that would eventually lead to untold treasure.

We close the book after reading a few chapters at a time and find ourselves back in reality. I’ve somehow ended up in an uncomfortable sitting position, my back aching and my arm numb from holding the bo ...

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Posted in:

  • Burnout
  • Change
  • Coping
  • Effort
  • Family
  • Goals
  • Mindfullness
  • Mindset
  • Positivity
  • Practice
  • Prayer
  • Presence
  • Relationships
  • Rest
  • Story
  • Stress
  • Struggle
  • uncertainty
  • weariness


  • Control
  • Dreams
  • Expectations
  • Hopes
  • Joy
  • anxious
  • breathing
  • change
  • coping
  • intention
  • intentional
  • present
  • rest
  • story
  • stress
  • success
  • time
  • unplug

Baby Steps

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There have been a few times in my life when I found myself standing at the edge of a cliff.  

One of my favorite times was when I visited the Grand Canyon while I was in college. It was breathtaking, but I'll admit that I was thankful for the railing. 

When I visited the Grand Canyon, I was able to hike down to the bottom. I didn't scale down a cliff, but instead took a meandering, all-day hike to a place called Phantom Ranch. 

Our lives can often mirror this same journey. 

There is rarely a time when we make one big decision to get us where we end up going. Instead, we often take baby steps down a path that can leave us wondering how we ended up there. Just as often, we look for the one “big decision” to change our life for the better. 

Unfortunately, we often don’t pay attention to the little things along the way that lead us down the path.  We can become so preoccu ...

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Posted in:

  • Change


  • intention
  • time




