Anxiety in Generation Z

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The world can be a scary place. Turn on the television for five minutes and it’s clear that bad things happen all the time. If you dwell on it and really spend time pondering it, it is enough to convince you to not step outside your front door. If it’s difficult for us as adults, just imagine how difficult it is for our teenagers. There are all kinds of pressures for them…social media, fitting in at school, making their parents happy, getting good grades, the list goes on and on. All of this and add on the biological and chemical changes going on in their bodies and it’s hard to imagine just how difficult it can be. Did you know that our current generation of teenagers are the generation that suffers the most with depression and anxiety? Not those living during the World Wars or The Great Depression, our teenagers, Generation Z. Additionally, 80 percent of teenagers with Anxiety and 60 percent of teenagers with Depression are going untreated ( Read more

Posted in:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression


  • anxiety
  • depression

Slow Down. Breathe. Be Present.

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Do you ever feel like life is just passing you by? You spend so much time running from the past, and looking towards the future, that you’ve forgotten how to enjoy the present? Life is precious. In a blink of an eye, that baby that fit so perfectly in your arms, is now graduating high school with a whole journey ahead. You look in the mirror and for the first time you see the laugh lines and wrinkles, and remember the last time you laughed so hard your belly hurt. We talk about living out our story, about writing our own chapters, pages, and sentences, yet; we fail to stop and take the time to actually read what we are writing…to let the joy, the love, the pain that fills each page, seethe into our souls so that we can embrace each moment that makes up our stories.

Living in the present, is a skill that is so often desired, and yet so rarely achieved. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Take in the oxygen that fills our lungs and gives us l ...

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Posted in:

  • Mindfullness
  • Presence
  • Story


  • breathing
  • mindfullness
  • reflection

When We Just Can't Get Started...

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Do you procrastinate? Do you find it difficult to start or complete a project? Maybe you are a frustrated perfectionist. Some people were raised in a home where perfectionism was the ideal to shoot for. In reality, perfectionism can be a road block to accomplishing goals, completing tasks or getting needs met.


Our desire or driving need to be perfect or do a job perfectly can shut down our ability to move forward and leave us feeling unmotivated and paralyzed. It can prevent us from sharing pain with a trusted friend or calling the doctor. If there is not enough time or energy to do a job perfectly, we may feel frustrated and leave the job undone.


There have been many times where I did not even attempt to go after a goal for fear of failing. The thoughts running through my mind sounded like…


“What if I fail?”

“What will people think of me?” or,


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Posted in:

  • Control
  • Procrastination


  • change
  • procrastination




