Category: Vulnerability

Where do you fit in your family system?

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We all grow up in a family system. What we might not always realize is that each of us assume a role in that system to make it “work.” This can be based on birth order, needs to manage specific relationships in the family or simply occur without much thought or attention. However, the role we assume in the family often leads to issues as we navigate life outside the system.

For example, let’s say that you have taken on a responsibility role in the family. You are often the one the family expects to fix whatever problems arise. Maybe it was as small as helping your siblings with their homework or as large as helping a family member manage an addiction. Either way, the message was that it was up to you to take care of the family. As you fill that role, it becomes ingrained within you. Without realizing it becomes one of your core drives. As you grow older and step out into the world, you do so with this drive firmly entrenched and ...

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Posted in:

  • Anxiety
  • Assertiveness
  • Change
  • Communication
  • Control
  • Counseling Process
  • Decisions
  • Effort
  • Emotions
  • Empathy
  • False self
  • Family
  • Goals
  • Mindset
  • Practice
  • Processing
  • Relationships
  • Self-Care
  • Struggle
  • Vulnerability
  • comfortable


  • Communication
  • Community
  • Confidence
  • Connection
  • Control
  • Emotions
  • Expectations
  • Hopes
  • acceptance
  • anxiety
  • balance
  • boundaries
  • change
  • growth
  • independence
  • intentional
  • power
  • practice
  • reframe
  • relationships
  • self-care
  • self-compassion
  • self-esteem
  • story
  • success
  • vulnerable

The Power of Forgiveness in Relationships

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Forgiveness is a cornerstone of healthy relationships, yet it is often one of the hardest acts to perform. Understanding why forgiveness is challenging and recognizing its profound benefits can help individuals and couples navigate the complexities of their relationships with greater empathy and resilience.

Why Forgiveness is Hard

Forgiveness requires us to confront our pain and vulnerability. When someone we care about hurts us, it triggers a range of intense emotions—anger, betrayal, sadness—that can be difficult to process. Holding onto these feelings can create a sense of control or protection, making it feel safer than the perceived risk of getting hurt again. Additionally, societal messages often equate forgiveness with weakness or submission, further complicating our willingness to let go of resentment.

Forgiveness also involves a shift in perspective. It requires empathy and understanding towards ...

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Posted in:

  • Afterwardsness
  • Assertiveness
  • Comfort
  • Coping
  • Decisions
  • Emotions
  • Empathy
  • Family
  • Grief
  • Mindset
  • Positivity
  • Practice
  • Presence
  • Processing
  • Relationships
  • Struggle
  • Vulnerability


  • Emotions
  • Hopes
  • anxious
  • arguing
  • change
  • compassion
  • coping
  • emotional intelligence
  • faith
  • feelings
  • friendships
  • growth
  • intentional
  • relationships
  • self-care
  • self-compassion

Managing Stress

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We have all been there – in our youth, as students, oversleeping and missing the bus for school. As adults, getting a flat tire that causes us to be late for work. These everyday moments are stressful, but when do daily stressors become cause for concern? It may surprise you to learn that not all stress is bad! In fact, research performed at the Mayo Clinic has revealed that healthy stress can help individuals become more resilient. For example, anxiety about an upcoming exam may help to motivate students to study and be better prepared for their test. The key is learning how to combat stress and anxiety before stress becomes chronic and inhibits one’s ability to function in their daily lives.

How does one recognize the warning signs of stress overload? There are several symptoms that stress and anxiety may be becoming overwhelming, which include:

- The frequency of stress (unrelenting, constant feelings of anxiety and ...

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Posted in:

  • Anxiety
  • Breathe
  • Burnout
  • Change
  • Control
  • Coping
  • Counseling Process
  • Depression
  • Effort
  • Emotions
  • Exhaustion
  • Failure
  • Mindfullness
  • Mindset
  • Rest
  • Self-Care
  • Stress
  • Therapist
  • Vulnerability


  • Confidence
  • Control
  • Emotions
  • anxiety
  • balance
  • body care
  • boundaries
  • challenge
  • coping
  • depression
  • intentional
  • mindfullness
  • practice
  • reflection
  • rest
  • self-care
  • self-compassion
  • stress
  • work
  • worry




