Category: Stress

Managing Stress

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We have all been there – in our youth, as students, oversleeping and missing the bus for school. As adults, getting a flat tire that causes us to be late for work. These everyday moments are stressful, but when do daily stressors become cause for concern? It may surprise you to learn that not all stress is bad! In fact, research performed at the Mayo Clinic has revealed that healthy stress can help individuals become more resilient. For example, anxiety about an upcoming exam may help to motivate students to study and be better prepared for their test. The key is learning how to combat stress and anxiety before stress becomes chronic and inhibits one’s ability to function in their daily lives.

How does one recognize the warning signs of stress overload? There are several symptoms that stress and anxiety may be becoming overwhelming, which include:

- The frequency of stress (unrelenting, constant feelings of anxiety and ...

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Posted in:

  • Anxiety
  • Breathe
  • Burnout
  • Change
  • Control
  • Coping
  • Counseling Process
  • Depression
  • Effort
  • Emotions
  • Exhaustion
  • Failure
  • Mindfullness
  • Mindset
  • Rest
  • Self-Care
  • Stress
  • Therapist
  • Vulnerability


  • Confidence
  • Control
  • Emotions
  • anxiety
  • balance
  • body care
  • boundaries
  • challenge
  • coping
  • depression
  • intentional
  • mindfullness
  • practice
  • reflection
  • rest
  • self-care
  • self-compassion
  • stress
  • work
  • worry

Chasing Joyfulness...

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We often focus on the negative. What don’t we have? What is still lacking? What if it never gets better? 

There are times we should focus on what’s wrong. Ignoring it isn’t going to help anything. A life without reflection is likely one without learning or growing, and can lead to additional complications. I invite you to think of things going well in addition to this reflection. What have you done well so far in your life? There must be something. Don’t count yourself out before you’ve truly reflected on the ways you’ve learned and the ways you’ve succeeded. If life is feeling extra sad or gray lately, find ways to make life just a little sweeter. Some ideas include: 

  • Stay in the sun for an extra minute. 
  • Look at encouraging quotes.
  • Read old cards or letters from friends and family. 
  • Drink a glass of water. 
  • Take time to m ...

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    Posted in:

    • Change
    • Coping
    • Decisions
    • Depression
    • Emotions
    • Exhaustion
    • Failure
    • Goals
    • Mindfullness
    • Mindset
    • Positivity
    • Practice
    • Presence
    • Processing
    • Rest
    • Self-Care
    • Story
    • Stress
    • Struggle
    • uncertainty


    • Dreams
    • Emotions
    • Hopes
    • Joy
    • balance
    • challenge
    • coping
    • depression
    • feelings
    • focus
    • growth
    • intentional
    • practice
    • reality
    • reflection
    • reframe
    • rest
    • self-care
    • story
    • stress
    • success
    • think

Adventures & Antidotes

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I have a nine year old son who loves to read. Before bed, we’ll often grab a classic tale to read together. As I’m writing this, we’re deep into Treasure Island, enjoying the harrowing tale of a young boy named Jim Hawkins who winds up aboard a ship of marauding pirates. Jim has to use his wits to outsmart the mutinous crew as he seeks to right wrongs and avoid certain death. 

My son and I find ourselves drawn to the underdog hero, cheering his valiant escapades. We’re left wondering whether we could muster the courage to outwit the unscrupulous Long John Silver, whether we would put ourselves at risk to aid dying friends, and if we would be willing to undertake an arduous journey that would eventually lead to untold treasure.

We close the book after reading a few chapters at a time and find ourselves back in reality. I’ve somehow ended up in an uncomfortable sitting position, my back aching and my arm numb from holding the bo ...

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Posted in:

  • Burnout
  • Change
  • Coping
  • Effort
  • Family
  • Goals
  • Mindfullness
  • Mindset
  • Positivity
  • Practice
  • Prayer
  • Presence
  • Relationships
  • Rest
  • Story
  • Stress
  • Struggle
  • uncertainty
  • weariness


  • Control
  • Dreams
  • Expectations
  • Hopes
  • Joy
  • anxious
  • breathing
  • change
  • coping
  • intention
  • intentional
  • present
  • rest
  • story
  • stress
  • success
  • time
  • unplug




