Category: Afterwardsness

The Power of Forgiveness in Relationships

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Forgiveness is a cornerstone of healthy relationships, yet it is often one of the hardest acts to perform. Understanding why forgiveness is challenging and recognizing its profound benefits can help individuals and couples navigate the complexities of their relationships with greater empathy and resilience.

Why Forgiveness is Hard

Forgiveness requires us to confront our pain and vulnerability. When someone we care about hurts us, it triggers a range of intense emotions—anger, betrayal, sadness—that can be difficult to process. Holding onto these feelings can create a sense of control or protection, making it feel safer than the perceived risk of getting hurt again. Additionally, societal messages often equate forgiveness with weakness or submission, further complicating our willingness to let go of resentment.

Forgiveness also involves a shift in perspective. It requires empathy and understanding towards ...

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Posted in:

  • Afterwardsness
  • Assertiveness
  • Comfort
  • Coping
  • Decisions
  • Emotions
  • Empathy
  • Family
  • Grief
  • Mindset
  • Positivity
  • Practice
  • Presence
  • Processing
  • Relationships
  • Struggle
  • Vulnerability


  • Emotions
  • Hopes
  • anxious
  • arguing
  • change
  • compassion
  • coping
  • emotional intelligence
  • faith
  • feelings
  • friendships
  • growth
  • intentional
  • relationships
  • self-care
  • self-compassion

Rebuilding Your Island

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Recently, I returned from an amazing honeymoon voyage to the Virgin Islands. As our ship docked, we were in breathtaking awe of the pristine clear blue waters and lush tropical hillsides. We were greeted by locals dressed in colorful costumes representing their indigenous culture and dancing to Caribbean music. Quaint shops lined the historic avenues and street vendors displayed their wares with cheerful enthusiasm. One could not help but be taken away on a warm breeze of excitement. Taxi drivers lined the avenues willing to take you on tours of their treasured island for this is the home of THE “Treasure Island” boasting the resting place of much famous pirate booty, ship wrecks, water wonders with many colorful species of coral (who knew “fire coral” is a thing); animals, military forts, historic landmarks, and much tropical horticulture.

Joining other eager tourists, we commandeered a taxi bound for the other side of the is ...

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Posted in:

  • Afterwardsness
  • Comfort
  • Decisions
  • Effort
  • Family
  • Presence
  • Processing
  • Relationships
  • Story
  • Tragedy
  • Trauma
  • Vulnerability
  • compassion


  • Community
  • Confidence
  • Connection
  • change
  • coping
  • courage
  • friendships
  • growth
  • intentional
  • relationships
  • story
  • success
  • trauma
  • trust
  • vulnerable

Let's Talk About Coping

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           Whether we realize it or not we use coping strategies everyday.  Some maybe as subtle as sleeping in to avoid the traffic, or procrastinating on a project or term paper due (guilty) hoping it will just do it itself.  It is when our unhealthy habits become a problem with our normal daily routine is when we need a change.  Our skills, routine or what we think is working needs to be looked at.  Is this beneficial for me is this getting me where I want to be, am I seeing bad consequences from these decisions?  These are just some of the questions we need to ask ourselves if we aren’t where we want to be. 

            Coping skills, strategies, or techniques have a couple of common threads that can be applied to just about any disorder; anxiety, anger, alcohol abuse or any other issue you may be going through.  Th ...

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Posted in:

  • Afterwardsness
  • Anxiety
  • Change
  • Comfort
  • Coping
  • Effort
  • Mindset
  • Processing
  • Self-Care


  • Control
  • Deep Breathing
  • Emotions
  • Expectations
  • anxiety
  • change
  • coping
  • feelings
  • focus
  • mindfullness
  • problem solving
  • self-care
  • stress
  • think

Nachträglichkeit (Afterwardsness)

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A white Caucasian male in his mid-to-late thirties sits down for lunch in his mother’s kitchen. He slowly enjoys the sandwich he has made for himself, along with a handful of Sea Salt and Vinegar potato chips, (which for the sake of losing a few pounds) he knows he shouldn’t be eating. He has a set of headphones on, with which he is using to listen to his carefully constructed playlist on iTunes. To the left of his lunch sits his laptop, on which he is casually- and without much thought- working through his e-mails. He suddenly and unexpectedly receives an e-mail from his lawyer regarding his recent job-loss and the American’s with Disabilities Act and defamation lawsuit which ensued. He grows discouraged by what he is reading; and as he glances up, his eyes catch a hand of bananas. A flashback emanates, the likes of which he has never experienced. Before long his wife finds him blacked out on the kitchen floor, in a cold sweat, and hyperve ...

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Posted in:

  • Afterwardsness


  • Sigmund Freud
  • intentional
  • mindfullness
  • story




