What is Your Dream?

Is there a circumstance that is keeping you stuck or is fear blocking your dream? You may be dreaming of a job change, an adventure, a goal or taking steps to make a relationship better. In 2022, I faced one of my fears. I have a fear of heights. So I committed to climbing the Manitou Incline in Colorado. The incline is 2,768 steps straight up the side of a mountain. The elevation at the top is over 8,500 feet. This undertaking is no small feat for someone with a fear of heights and not in the strongest physical shape. During this endeavor, I became aware of powerful truths about myself and how I am capable of much more than I give myself credit for. I bet you are too!

Here are some practical concepts I learned and might help you too. 

  1. Dare to dream! I had to allow myself to dream about climbing a mountain. Can you give yourself space to dream about what a change could look like? Note: this is not a time to be practical. Just allow yourself to envision it. The practical “how” questions should be addressed later!
  2. Surround yourself with a support system. I shared my plan with supportive people and my husband committed to make the climb with me.
  3. Commit to the goal. After considering practical steps, make a commitment to yourself and others about the change you want to make.
  4. Make a plan and prepare. This part took time, consistency and commitment. We trained for several months on any stairs we could find around West Michigan. We used pockets of time on Saturday mornings and after work to build strength and stamina. Part of the preparation task is anticipating what is required to achieve the goal. We needed to dress appropriately, have enough water (altitude sickness is real) and have the proper footwear. I also brought hiking poles. These provided me stability at times when I was afraid or my feet were slipping on the hike down the switchback trail. What do you need? Write it down!
  5. Take it one step at a time. There were times on the mountain where I clung to one step. I couldn’t look up or I would be filled with fear. I also couldn’t look back. I had to fix my eyes on THE NEXT STEP. That’s it.

If you are ready to make a change….what is it? Dare to dream it. Make a plan and gather supportive friends and family. If you find yourself feeling alone, a counselor can help walk with you. Counselors can be a safe space to envision something different and help you make a plan to face your fears or achieve a goal. You are worth it!