Weathering a Crisis

Weariness is a word that I’ve heard many times in 2020. We are in the midst of a global pandemic, a divisive election and racial injustice and tenision. Those factors layer us with added stress, anxiety and pressure. In the midst of all that... life continues on. We get sick, lose loved ones, move, lose jobs, lose a baby, go through a relationship break up and have accidents. Due to the taxing nature of our country and world, we don’t have the energy reserves to deal with more. Recently my family experienced one of those big losses. The kind where you wake up and it hits you. You re-remember each morning the heartache and reality of your situation. You feel the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. You are weighed down by the grief over the reality of what happened. You experience a gripping panic over what life will be like. Life’s stressful events can have a detrimental impact to our current and future mental and physical health. In times like these we need a solid plan to take care of ourselves.

  1. Eat- You may feel the absence of hunger or the thought of food may make you feel sick. However, we need to schedule meals and eat them regularly.
  2. Sleep and Rest- Sleeping may be a challenge. It is important to try to keep a normal sleep and wake time. If you are having difficulties sleeping, speak to a trusted health expert on some ideas to help with relaxation. Anxiety takes is important.
  3. Body Care- I am talking about the basics of daily hygiene..showering and brushing your teeth are crucial to basic self care.
  4. Movement- If you can move your body outside...DO IT! Movement and being outdoors can help with stress reduction and increased coping.
  5. Connection- Reach out to a trusted person. Take the risk to be many of us are struggling and need supportive people. You are not alone. If you don’t have someone to call- there are online support groups, local church ministries and non-profits set up to assist people through all kinds of hardship.
  6. Play- Find time to plan something good that is enjoyable, and helps take your mind off what has happened.
  7. Counsel- Counselors are trained to walk with clients through life’s challenges. If this blog resonated with you and you are struggling to get through your days, please reach out and connect with a licensed counselor.