Letting off some Pressure

One of my favorite shows growing up was the show Mythbusters. Every week Adam and Jamie would explore different myths to see if they actually hold up. One of my favorite episodes tested whether a water heater could turn into a rocket. They set up their experiment and describe how a water heater works and how the failsafes that are in place keep it from exploding. A water heater uses a heat source to bring the water to temperature. As that is occurring, water turns to steam which in turn presses against the sides and bottom of the tank.  They describe how there is a release valve on the side of the tank designed to release the pressure that is building. They also point out that there is an emergency back-up valve in place just in case the regular valve stops working. So what do they do to test the myth? They remove the release valves and crank the heat!


Now the waiting begins as pressure begins to build in the tank. The numbers slowly creep up to the pressure rating of the tank and move past it into the danger zone. As the pressure builds and builds, everything regarding the tank looks normal. No bulges…no moans…just a tank sitting on the platform. Finally, after reaching a level that is nearly 200psi higher than what the tank is rated for the bottom gives way and the tank takes flight! In fact, it flies higher than they expected and entered restricted space!


In many ways we are like that water heater. When we are working the way we are designed, we are able to process emotions, handle stress and avoid blowouts. Our tank doesn’t reach the danger zone and we don’t explode. However, when we start eliminating coping skills, when we start bottling things inside, when we don’t have healthy outlets, the pressure in our tank starts to build and build until we go off. Just like the water heater we can look normal to the outside world, yet still be operating in that danger zone where we are operating at stress levels past what we are rated for and creeping towards the point where we go off like a rocket, waiting for the event big or small that sends us off into restricted space.


Learning how to regulate our stress is incredibly important, and when we have the right skills in place it is amazing what we can handle. Grounding techniques, meditation, faith skills and relationships all help us keep the pressure of our tanks at a healthy level, even when life might be turning up the heat. If you feel that pressure growing, if you feel ready to burst, if you feel like that water heater, we’d love to talk to you!