Chasing Joyfulness...

We often focus on the negative. What don’t we have? What is still lacking? What if it never gets better? 

There are times we should focus on what’s wrong. Ignoring it isn’t going to help anything. A life without reflection is likely one without learning or growing, and can lead to additional complications. I invite you to think of things going well in addition to this reflection. What have you done well so far in your life? There must be something. Don’t count yourself out before you’ve truly reflected on the ways you’ve learned and the ways you’ve succeeded. If life is feeling extra sad or gray lately, find ways to make life just a little sweeter. Some ideas include: 

  • Stay in the sun for an extra minute. 
  • Look at encouraging quotes.
  • Read old cards or letters from friends and family. 
  • Drink a glass of water. 
  • Take time to make a meal you really enjoy.
  • Find little pieces of joy throughout your day.
  • Watch a comedy show. 
  • Listen to happy music. 
  • Watch a baseball game (even the Cubs, depending on the season). 

If we don’t actively seek joy, even in the hard times, we will convince ourselves joy doesn’t exist, or maybe that we don’t deserve it. Life is going to be difficult. Once you’ve acknowledged and given those feelings their moment, allow them to take a back seat and enjoy life around you for a little while.