The Value of a Career Counselor

The starting point of career exploration often is completing an online career assessment. Too often, though, the person simply takes a look at the results, thinks “that’s interesting,” and then files it away. To be forgotten and never to be seen again. Limited value, for sure.

What you need is to add value to the assessment by sitting down with a career counselor to do some serious probing and exploring.  What does the assessment’s profile mean for me? My passions, interests, values and skills?  For my future to be meaningful and fulfilling?

Essentially,  the career counselor, by utilizing probing conversations,  will guide you to identify, clarify  and integrate your key attributes.  Key attributes such as themes in your personal life story, your purpose, your interests and values, skills and capabilities. We will identify pivotal experiences and personal characteristics that you may have never considered to be relevant in your search for clarity of purpose and direction.

We will then align these key attributes with purposeful education and training. We will visualize what a satisfying and meaningful career would look like. We will set goals so that your pathway is clear. So you will know the next steps to take.

Second Story Career Consultation utilizes PathwayUTM as the primary career guidance tool. PathwayU is a platform that uses patented predictive science.  Through self-discovery, career exploration, and a job connector, PathwayU gives each seeker critical insights into their best education to career pathway. 

Finally, you will always have access to your PathwayU profile on your portal. (Throwing the report away in the wastebasket is a relic from the past!) You can always access it.  And update it.    You are to use it as a continuing resource.  To re-evaluate. To explore education and career options. To use tools (such as current resume writing and job interviewing). To search for a job that would be an excellent match for one’s profile.

Yes, Second Story Career Consultation is comprehensive. It requires hard work. Yet, it is totally worth it. High value! Why? Because once your pathway is clarified and established, you will move forward with confidence and high hope.