Sunday Blues and Mundane Mondays

It’s Sunday. You still have a million and one things left on your wishful weekend “to do” list and time is rapidly slipping by. Your motivation level is at a flat zero and you’re looking ahead at another busy week. Sound familiar? What if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way? What if Sundays became your new favorite day of the week. Let’s see if we can make that happen!

One way to make Sunday feel like an entire weekend wrapped into one day is to simply...unplug. Turn off your cell phone, lock it in a cupboard, and be PRESENT. My family knows that Sundays are sacred in my home. If anyone has an emergency, they know to contact my husband because your girl is unplugged for the entire day. Sundays are reserved for rest. When was the last time you gave yourself full permission to rest? No agenda, no to do list, no GUILT over not being the epitome of productivity and efficiency. Just rest.

If you give yourself this time and embrace rest, you might just find yourself excited for Sundays and more prepared to take on the week ahead. So let’s start right now! Let’s plan to turn off our phones for three-four hours to start on Sundays. Text loved ones that you’ll be away for a little bit and then let’s figure out what gives YOU rest. If you’re a list lover like me, we can start with a list. On one side list your energy drainers. This could be things like overworking, overthinking, fast food, negative people, negative thoughts, lack of boundaries. On the other side, write out your energy givers. This could be clear boundaries, moving your body for at least 10 minutes, being in nature, drinking water, eating fresh fruit and veggies, being creative, a hobby you enjoy, playing a board game with kids, etc. 

There are many different types of rest and the reality is, our society as a whole is rest deficient. We prioritize and idolize being busy. Some may even brag about just how busy their weeks are. This lifestyle is not one that offers peace, renewal, or rest. I challenge you THIS Sunday, unplug and find what gives you energy. It is my hope that with practice you can conquer the Sunday blues and have less mundane Mondays.