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Todd Leva, MA, LPC

Phone: 616-426-9034, ext. 692

MA Counseling - Cornerstone University

My journey has been a ride so far. I have experienced life's awe inspiring highs, and life's darkest of lows. It is through it all, through the elations of life and through its sorrow, I have learned so much. I have learned that matters of the heart can be so hard, so hurtful, and at times make life seem unfair. However I have also learned that no matter our standing in life, there is something that is universal to the human experience, and that is we are hard wired for connection. At our core we long for connection, we want to be heard, validated, and loved. My journey thus far has made me a better person, a better husband, a better father, and a better therapist.

I love woodworking, I also love BBQ'ing or smoking meat in a real old school smoker, using real wood! I also love learning, love reading, and I love to write. I have been married to my best friend for going on 26 years! We have two daughters, 18 and 24. I love the University of Michigan, The Detroit Tigers, Lions, and Redwings!

My Approach

My approach is rooted in the power of the client. Nothing is more humbling or awe inspiring when someone allows me to come along side them in their journey. Through the relationship we form, we begin to explore the various facets of the clients journey. through trust and appreciation we will explore the joys of life, the hurts of life, and venture into areas of resolved emotions as well as the unresolved. It is a process, the speed of which is dictated by the client alone.

What you can expect

Authenticity is what you can expect. Yes I am a therapist, but I am a human first. I think in order for therapy to work, a client needs to see that I am a human that happens to be a therapist, not the other way around. I believe deeply in this connection and this approach. I am well aware that clients are nervous enough beginning the therapy journey. My approach recognizes this and helps to alleviate it quickly, finding our times together as safe, comfortable, and open hearted.