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Melissa Richmond, MA, LLC

Phone: 616-426-9034, ext. 637

MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling - Colorado Christian University

Throughout my life there has been a common thread, and that has been my desire to do life with people; walk through the highs and lows! This profession allows me the priviledge of doing that with even more people and so I thank you for the honor of your consideration as a therapist.

Spending time with my husband and little ones (especially by the lake), cooking, reading and gathering all my favorite people together to celebrate the little and the big things!

My Approach

No two people’s stories are exactly alike and therefore should be approached holistically, taking into account the person’s mind, body, soul and spirit, as well as culture. My aim is to come alongside my clients and guide them back to themselves, in an environment where they can feel safety, empathy and genuineness.

My counseling approach is largely influenced by the person-centered, Gestalt and cognitive-behavioral theories, while also integrating other techniques that serve the specific issues the client(s) is facing. The integration of these theories aims to increase awareness of any ways the client may be living inauthentically to themselves and allow for the expression of any repressed emotion. Later sessions can explore how the past may be showing up in the present, and identification of any distorted beliefs that have led the client to feel these feelings and develop these patterns. Out of this awareness and the recognition of clients’strengths, behavior change and healthier belief systems flow. I often like to incorporate client-specific expressive arts (i.e. music, art, story writing, etc.) within the course of therapy as well if the client is open.

My areas of focus are: Maternal Mental Health issues such as: perinatal mood disorders, birth trauma, miscarriage, infertility and/or infant loss, as well as bereavement, life transitions and couples counseling.

What you can expect

Therapy is a collaborative journey, and while you can expect me to guide you along the way, I will not drag you; you have to be ready to work to take steps for your own growth as well! I recognize that this is vulnerable, so you can count on me to ptovide a safe and empathic place for the process. Let's pursue your best life together!