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Bill Evans, MBA, MA, LPC

Phone: 616-426-9034, ext. 509

MBA/MSF - Michigan State University

BS Business Management/Economics – Oakland University

My story has, like many others, been full of happiness and sadness, hopes and dreams, wins and losses, joy and grief. Through it all I have maintained a desire for personal healing, growth and development; and most importantly, resiliency in the search for life's meaning and purpose. From this comes a desire to help others navigate through difficult times.

I believe that anyone, at any age, is capable of healing and making positive change.

Whether you are suffering from anxiety or depression, facing difficult life transitions, struggling with self-esteem issues, dealing with unresolved childhood wounds and trauma, failing to manage anger, experiencing problems in your relationships, having difficulty leading effectively, faltering in maintaining your physical health and fitness, or not realizing your full potential; help is available. I am passionate about assisting you in arriving at a more peaceful, joyful and successful time in your life.

When I'm not working, I most enjoy reading, playing golf, traveling and socializing.

My Approach

I don't believe we were meant to live with regrets of the past or fears of the future that cause us to miss out on the enjoyment, peace, and fulfilling relationships available to us in the present.

Whether counseling or coaching, I first strive to gain knowledge about where my client has been, develop understanding and empathy for their life experience, examine strengths and limitations, and accept how they have learned to cope with their situation and challenges.

I use many empirically proven psychological theories and techniques from directive solution focused therapy, cognitive behavioral techniques to positive psychology and strengths-based methodologies. I believe that no matter the techniques utilized it is most important that I earn your trust and that you feel confident we are working well together.

What you can expect

A counselor/coach that genuinely cares about your well-being and improved emotional, physical and spiritual health. Because the therapeutic relationship is so important to outcomes, I strive to be non-judgmental and remain focused on your continued well-being and personal growth.

I view counseling and coaching as a team sport. Of the 168 hours in a week, we will typically spend only one hour together. I believe that with active collaboration, accountability, and open, direct and honest communication we can accelerate positive change and increase its permanence. You can count on me to be "all-in" in guiding, encouraging and supporting your efforts during this process, especially during the toughest of times.