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Hannah Davidhizar, MA, LLC

Phone: 616-426-9034, ext. 624

MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling - Cornerstone University

Have you ever noticed yourself feeling "stuck" in your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors? Do you experience an internal, exhausting, tug-of-war between your mind and body? This can feel overwhelming and lonely, leaving many people feeling powerless. This is a common feeling, one that I myself have experienced. Painful experiences, significant life changes, relationships, or past memories can begin to feel as though they have great power over us and the people we want to be. I am passionate about helping people name those thoughts, feelings, and memories in a safe relationship to begin the journey of healing and empowerment.

When I'm not working, I enjoy going on hikes, running, and yoga. I like to spend time with family and friends, read, and being creative. I am passionate about traveling and laughter!

My Approach

I take a collaborative approach with clients that includes transparency, experiential techniques, attachment theory, somatic experiencing (mind & body connection), trauma, and narrative/story work. What this looks like is giving your mind and body new, safe experiences to heal and build connection; a somatic technique, making sense of your story, doing something creative, etc. You may hear me asking questions about how your body is feeling during session and guide you in ways to help your mind and body to work together to move through emotions and sensations.

What you can expect

The above approaches are specifically chosen to help provide you with clarity of what has happened to you, encourage healing, and find ways to cope. This integrated wellness approach seeks to lean into the great divide we often feel between our mind and our body. This happened for reason that will make sense, even if you can't make sense of it right now.