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Angie Yetzke, RSME/T, CMA

Phone: 616-426-9034, ext. 667

Somatic Movement Therapy Training - Dynamic Embodiment; Movement Analysis - Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies

MFA in Choreography and Performance - U of WI-Milwaukee

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” ~ Maya Angelou. 

For thirty years I have studied the body’s ability to express, relate, communicate and heal, first as a dancer, dance educator and choreographer, and now as a somatic movement therapist and movement analyst. I guess you can say I've always been a mover and a shaker. But my own journey with my body has not always been easy – chronic injury, illness, grief, shame...My body held these hidden stories so that my brain would not have to process loss and heartbreak. Then I found a better way. Through somatic movement I learned to slow down, allow myself to feel and stay grounded in the present, even when it was hard and even when I was afraid. Over time this led me to move differently, carry myself differently and BE in the world differently – with BODY-felt sensitivity, forgiveness, resilience and purpose. I’m passionate about helping others do the same because how we move matters.

When I'm not moving and dancing with people, I enjoy spending time with my husband of 26 years and our two boys who are currently in the process of leaving the nest. I love traveling, exploring quaint little downs and trying new restaurants. Oh and coffee. But not like real coffee. More like hot cream and sugar with a splash of coffee. And Mexican food. I really love Mexican food.

My Approach

So what IS somatic movement? “Soma” is the Greek word for “living body,” and somatic movement is gentle movement that connects your living, sensing, feeling, moving body with your thinking, processing brain. As a trauma-informed somatic movement therapist, I have expertise in body-brain connection and nervous system regulation through developmental movement repatterning. Simply put, I help individuals of all ages rewire their brains through movement. I also offer therapeutic support for individuals and couples living with chronic illness (specifically breast cancer or Parkinson’s Disease) and movement coaching for leaders, performing artists and athletes. 

My specialties include birth/developmental trauma and attachment, foster and adoption challenges, mental health, physical and learning disabilities, behavior issues and family relationships. My specific modalities include Applied Neuroplasticity, Bartenieff Fundamentals, Laban Movement Analysis and aspects of Body-Mind Centering. My treatment interventions include primitive reflex integration, body “organizing,” sensory exploration, rhythm and dance. 

While somatic movement therapy can and does “go deep” into emotional healing, it is also relaxing, rejuvenating and FUN. Schedule a free consult with me to learn more!

What you can expect

Somatic movement sessions are about slowing down, listening to and reconnecting with your sensing, feeling, moving body. Why? Because that’s where learning, growing, loving and healing begin. 

Over the course of a single session, you can expect to be lying on the floor, sitting on a physioball or chair, standing and moving through the space, with attention paid to your body’s comfort level and abilities. Where and how we spend our session time is also dictated by the needs of your nervous system on any given day. Some days we need more calming and grounding, and other days we need to get “unstuck” mentally, physically or emotionally. The movement sequences and modalities I use are science-based, tailored to your needs and abilities, fully guided and carefully scaffolded to help you connect your body and brain, release what doesn’t serve you and balance your nervous system. If you need some extra joy in your life (and who doesn’t?), we might also dance! From breath to heartbeat to the blood pumping through our veins, our bodies know rhythm, and music and rhythm do wonders for the brain. 

Maybe you don't think much about your body. Or maybe you try not to think about your body because of chronic pain or illness, past hurt or shame. I've been there. As scary as it may sound, letting go of physical guardedness and allowing your body to sense and feel is life-changing…for you, your health and your relationships. It’s time to BE IN your body so you can live the life you were created to live, and I promise to be there every step of the way. 

Let’s move.

(Oh, and wear whatever allows you to lie on the floor, roll on a big ball and move through the space comfortably. Socks or bare feet are encouraged. Make sure you (or your child) are fed, hydrated and rested before a session. The nervous system needs all three to regulate!)