Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

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Imagine entering a new country and expecting to be fluent in the language.  You think “I want to go to France,” so you book a trip and step off the plane thinking that the research and planning you’ve done for your trip will fully equip you to speak to the people you meet in French.  When you try to speak French, for some reason, no one understands you.  Worse yet, you have no idea what anyone is saying to you.  This could cause some problems on your vacation…

This example is unlikely to occur in real life.Read more

Posted in:

  • Mindset


  • challenge
  • growth

Mind Control

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When you hear the words “mind control”, I’m guessing your thoughts go to things like hypnotists, Sci-Fi movies, and social media among a host of other things. In each of these situations, the idea of mind control is typically something that someone (or something) does to another person. However, I want to consider mind control from a personal standpoint. Is it possible to achieve self-mind control? What would that look like? Is this something to be desired? 

Now, maybe the term “mind control” is a bit extreme to use in this context, but I want to suggest that we can have more control over our own minds than what most of us would normally think. This includes our thoughts and mindsets and, to a certain extent, our moods and emotions as a result. To understand where I’m coming from, it will be helpful to highlight a recent line of research in neuroscience that looks into the wellbeing of our minds. An organization called The Center for He ...

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Posted in:

  • Change


  • mind control

Real Talk: Anxiety and Depression

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Let’s talk about anxiety and depression. I am sure you have heard these words before. What I am about to say might surprise you. Anxiety and depression are not bad things despite what we have been led to believe. Now, I want to clarify that I am in no way minimizing the struggles that anxiety and depression bring. Rather, I am pointing out that anxiety and depression play important roles in our lives, but they can be harmful in excess.


Anxiety. Sometimes just reading this word can make us start to panic, clench our jaw, and furrow our brow. Anxiety can inhibit us from being our true selves for fear of judgement or doing the wrong thing. We can obsess over negative thoughts, feel sick to our stomach, the list goes on. Anxiety in excess can be damaging, but let’s think about the function of anxiety. If we were free from ...

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Posted in:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression


  • coping




